The Darth Maul & Bloodfin Statue measures 7” x 10”. Darth Maul is depicted somberly, his hood lowered and his elaborate black robes windswept. Maul is equipped with a pair of macrobinoculars, the conjoined handle of his double-bladed lightsaber hanging from his belt. The sleek, austere Bloodfin is arranged in a hovering position.
Darth Maul was the apprentice to Darth Sidious. His training was a harsh and agonizing lattice of discipline intended to scour away all traces of weakness or conscience. This bloodless process eventually resulted in a mutilated and predatory psyche. Under the constraints of the specific Sith regimen, Maul was groomed into a nearly mindless killer. His lightsaber ability was honed into a two-pronged attack capability, which he utilized in instances where multiple opponents were involved.
Darth Maul’s crescent-shaped Sith Speeder, the Bloodfin, was the unadorned, businesslike vessel deployed from the Sith Infiltrator. Assisted by Sith Probe Droids, Maul used the Bloodfin as a transport while he scoured the sun-blasted surface of Tatooine in search of Queen Amidala.
Price: $169.99
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